Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Date 07/01/21
Community Response Offer There is a community hub in each of Norfolk’s seven districts which are working with the voluntary sector at a local level to ensure that residents can access community support detailed in the diagram below.
If you feel that someone you are working with needs the support on offer the contact details of the community hubs are listed below:
South Norfolk & Broadland
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01508 533933
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0344 980 3333 (option 2)
North Norfolk
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01263 516000
Great Yarmouth
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Kings Lynn and West Norfolk
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01553 616200 Option 6
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01362 656306
As you may be aware the Government have announced that all schools and Early Years settings must shut after Friday the 20th March until further notice. It is hoped that by taking this drastic action now, the Corona Virus COVID 19 can be contained across the UK. However, I realise that for many of our children and families who rely on our nursery for childcare support, the closure of our preschool will prove to be very difficult time for you all.
I would like to reassure you that we will reopen immediately again once the Government relaxes it position on school and setting closures, and then it will be back to ‘business as usual’. At present we have no idea how long we must close for; we are optimistic that it will be weeks not months! We will use our website to keep families informed of any changes to the opening of our preschool.
Useful information
The first is a link to the NHS website with the latest up to date information regarding Corona Virus (COVID-19), Advice for everyone, Advice for people at high risk, Symptoms and what to do, Self-isolation if you or someone you live with has symptoms, and more...
The second is information sent from Norfolk County Council, containing information around Home Learning
For the latest informoation from the Government you can visit this dedicated link GOV.UK/coronavirus
We have also included the official NHS video below
Our opening times from Monday 23rd March will be 8am-4.30pm, we may extend out hours if required.
If you think you and your family fall into any of the categories defined by the Government as Key workers and therefore, your child should be entitled to remain coming into the preschool, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. me.
If you have any concerns or worries or would like some help or advice, whilst the nursery is not fully open for all to access, please either call the nursery during our opening hours tel; 01379 853403 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. me.
me and we can endeavour to support you. Our staff team will be on hand to answer your call and offer advice or help or signpost you to the correct service if we are unable to help.
There is an online company called Twinkl which has some excellent free home learning resources for preschool and school aged children. They have a particularly useful ‘Coronavirus home learning support page’ which you might like to take a look at, as there are activities on the site which would support your child’s learning, whilst they are unable to attend the preschool.
Kind regards
Jayne Rayner