Fees & Funding

• Our hourly childcare rate is £4.30.

The cost for a morning session is £16.12 (based on 9am-12.45pm), afternoon sessions £15.05 (based on 1.30-5pm), Full day sessions £36.55 (based on 9-4.30pm) hours can be extended as required.

Children who are 3 years old (from the term after they are 3) are eligible for free funding of up to 15 hours a week; 38 weeks of the year. Your child may also be eligible for 30 hour funding, click on this link to find out more.

You may also stretch your 15 and 30-hour funding entitlement to enable your child to access the holiday clubs if required.

Approximate cut off dates for each term are as follows;

• 31st August – Autumn Term
• 31st December - Spring Term
• 31st March – Summer Term

All claims for 30 hour funding must be made prior to the cut-off date, to receive an eligibility code; before we can claim 30 hour funding for your child we will require the eligibility number, your NI number and your Date of Birth.

There is funding available for 2 year olds, for families that meet the criteria laid down by Norfolk County Council. More information can be sought from the N/C/C website - click here

For Help with paying Childcare fee’s for children aged 11 years and under, click on the link to sign up to claiming Tax Free Childcare, and for more information to find out how you could benefit. https://www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare.

To view the NCC Early Education information for parents/ carers booklet - please click here

We do not have a compulsory uniform, but we do have our own t/shirts and sweat shirts available for sale. Price T/shirts £3.50, Sweat shirts £6.50. These help to give the children a sense of identity within the setting, and ensure that children come appropriately dressed in clothes that can be covered in paint or glue without worries. Sweat/t shirts can be purchased either at the setting or direct from the company Retro Alley website - click here