
Alburgh with Denton & Harleston Pre-school, staff and Trustees are committed to the safeguarding of all children that attend our setting.


What do we mean by Safeguarding?

‘the process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully’. (

• All staff are CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checked , any person who comes into the setting to work alongside our children has been CRB checked.

• All trustee members have been CRB checked.

• All staff have regular and updated Safeguarding training.

We have policies and procedures in place to ensure our children’s safety at all times. Our buildings and grounds are secure and we have a password system in place to ensure that only people authorised to do so may come and collect our children.


We have a duty of care towards your child

‘Duty of care’ means a requirement to exercise a ‘reasonable’ degree of attention and caution to avoid negligence which would lead to harm to other people. Working with children and young people brings a significant duty of care and we need to recognise that the younger and more vulnerable the child the greater the duty of care. Our vigilance and attention keeps children and young people safe as they develop’.


See something, hear something, say something

Are you concerned about the welfare of a child?

If you are concerned about a child in Norfolk or elsewhere, and want to speak to someone, please contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0344 800 8020, or click here for more information about the Norfolk MASH team.

Resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic; there is a new campaign which has been launched by Norfolk County Council called "see something, hear something, say something" 

Read more about... see something, hear something, say something

This is in direct response, to concerns around the need for us all to help keep children safe, whilst families are under pressure during such a prolonged period of self-isolation. As a result, there are fewer eyes and ears on the most vulnerable members of our community at present, which may be placing some children (or vulnerable adults) at a higher risk

Are you worried about a child? Have you seen something or heard something, that concerns you?  If you have then you must say something!

The number to call is 0344 800 8020